The Water Conservation Program and its experienced staff will now offer free educational phone consultations to customers on the topics of leak detection, landscape and irrigation.
Low-maintenance landscapes are great, but there’s no such thing as a “no-maintenance” irrigation system. A single broken sprinkler head flowing at 15 gallons per minute will waste 900 gallons in one hour of use. So service your system regularly, and check it often for leaks and malfunctions.
Adjust your irrigation time by season! For turf, water by the Numbers: One day per week in March, two days per week in April and May, three days per week in summer, and ramp down in the fall. For other landscapes, follow the watering recommendations.
Choose desert-friendly plants that thrive in our dry climate. There are literally hundreds of plant options to choose from, and rebates are available for replacing turf with a desert-friendly landscape.
Latest Landscape Tips
June 2020 Watering Recommendations
The first official day of Summer is June 20th, check out the Summer watering recommendations.
Tips to Keep Mature Trees Healthy
Some trees have roots that extend 4 times the width of their canopy to take advantage of moisture.
Plant Selection of the Month
The beautiful red to pink flowers bloom from May to October and attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees.