Mature Size: 3- 8”
This native prairie grass is an excellent replacement for water thirsty Kentucky Bluegrass. Buffalo Grass doesn’t tolerate a lot of shade, but when grown in a sunny location it forms a durable turf able to withstand moderate foot traffic, pests and diseases. It is a robust, sod forming species that spreads quickly with vigorous runners, creating an inviting soft blue green lawn. When dormant in late fall through spring it turns a soft beige color. Buffalo Grass requires minimal mowing and fertilizing once in spring. It’s a warm season grower perfectly adapted to central New Mexico. To stay green in the hot summer months, this grass needs only two inches of water per month! Buffalo Grass grows quickly. It can be planted using seed or “plugs” of starter plants. Seed should be sown in the spring or early summer; plugs can be planted in spring or in the fall, four to eight weeks before the first expected frost date. Once established, you’ll enjoy a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn with drastically lower water bills for years to come. Buffalo Grass grows best on heavier soils. Use Blue Grama on sandy soils or mix Buffalo Grass and Blue Grama.