Planting Tips
Choose desert-friendly plants that thrive in our dry climate. There are literally hundreds of plant options to choose from, and rebates are available for replacing turf with a desert-friendly landscape.
8 Steps to Planting a Healthy Plant
With spring fast approaching and many homeowners heading out to local plant nurseries, we want to remind you how to plant for a healthy plant. Choosing the right plant for the right place is the most important consideration. Once you’ve selected the perfect...
Climate Ready Landscapes!
We are living in a time when our climate is going through rapid changes. Winter days have gotten warmer, and very cold nights are decreasing in number. The decrease in snowpack and early snowmelt that volatilizes before it soaks into the soil are creating drier...
As our drought continues, here is how to care for your landscape this winter season.
So far this winter season precipitation has been 30% below normal for New Mexico. According to the National Weather Service statewide average day temperatures are 56.6 degrees, which is 2.1 degrees above the normal of 54.5. With that said, we are starting out the...
Make getting a Xeriscape rebate your New Year’s resolution!
The desert friendly xeriscape conversion incentive rebate has been around since the early ’90s and is still going strong. Millions of square feet of thirsty lawns have been converted to healthy xeriscapes that save billions of gallons of water. Although the xeriscape...
Compost del Rio Grande
In 1988, the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority’s started a composting facility for biosolids produced. 505Outside recently visited the Soil Amendment Facility to check out the “Compost Del Rio Grande.” Water Authority compost is unlike any other in...
Plant these this Fall
Fall can be a great time to plant, especially if you are planting higher elevation and temperate climate plants that are adapted to cooler, more humid growing conditions. In the fall, the soil is still warm enough to encourage roots to develop so watering properly...
Xeriscape not Zeroscape: Water-conscious landscaping can be luscious and beautiful.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — By and large, New Mexican homeowners are getting the all-important message of the arid Southwest: Water is precious, and not to be wasted. But local experts say an important piece of the story is still often lost when it comes to landscaping:...
Sotol / Desert Spoon, Dasylirion Wheeleri
Exposure: Sun/Shade Water: Rainwater Height and Spread:5’ x 5’ Blooming Season: Summer Striking thin evergreen leaf blades (sometimes referred to as saw blades) grace this desert accent. Once established, it thrives on rainwater alone in hot gravelly or...
Vegetable and Herb Gardening in Small Spaces
Growing vegetables and herbs at home in small spaces can be easy, fun, rewarding and not expensive. Here are some tips for anyone from first timer to a pro. Start small with a raised bed, good-sized pots or containers or a small plot of ground. Good soil is the key in...
Watering to Establish New Plantings.
Irrigation is essential to give plants a healthy start, so they become well-rooted in the landscape. A great way to find out the water needs of individual plants is by checking out the ABCWUA Xeriscape Guide and then follow the seasonal watering recommendations. When...

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