Carolina jessamine, Glesemium sempervirens

Carolina jessamine, Glesemium sempervirens

Type: Vines Exposure: Sun/Shade Water Use: Medium Mature Size: Climbing x 10’ wide This vine, also known as Carolina jasmine and the state flower of South Carolina, has shiny green leaves growing on reddish brown climbing stems. In early spring, it puts out fragrant...
Western Virginsbower, Clematis ligusticifolia

Western Virginsbower, Clematis ligusticifolia

Type: Vine Exposure: Full sun to part shade Water Use: Medium Mature Size: Climbing x 15’ wide This vine native to riparian areas in the Jemez Mountains is great for covering pergolas and trellis for screening. It is fast growing as long as water is available to keep...
Canyon Grapevine, Vitis arizonica

Canyon Grapevine, Vitis arizonica

Type: Edible vine Exposure: Full sun, part shade Water Use: Medium Mature Size: Climbing x 20’ The Canyon Grape serves double duty in the landscape as an ornamental and an edible for us and wildlife.  As its name suggests, the Canyon Grape is a Southwest native...
Chocolate Vine, Akebia Quinata

Chocolate Vine, Akebia Quinata

Exposure: Sun/Shade Water: medium Height and Spread: H climbing’ X W 15′ Blooming Season: Summer Description: Plant the Akebia Quinata, Chocolate Vine, in your garden after the last frost of spring. It thrives in most soils, however, keep in mind...
Chocolate Vine, Akebia quinata

Chocolate Vine, Akebia quinata

Full Sun, Part Shade Medium Water Mature Size: Climbing X 15’ Blooming Season: Summer Flower Color: Red What’s not to love about a plant named for one of the major food groups? Alas, the common name refers to the brownish red flower color rather than the flavor of its...
Lady Banks Rose, Rosa banksiae

Lady Banks Rose, Rosa banksiae

Full Sun, Part Shade Low Water Mature Size: Climbing X 40’ Blooming Season: Spring Flower Color: Pale yellow or white Rarely do you find a plant that is fast growing, evergreen and long-lived. Lady Banks Rose is all those things and it produces a beautiful if brief...