by 505 Outside | Jan 2, 2022 | Blog, Landscape Tips, Maintenance Tips, Planting Tips, Watering Recommendations, Waterwise Tips
So far this winter season precipitation has been 30% below normal for New Mexico. According to the National Weather Service statewide average day temperatures are 56.6 degrees, which is 2.1 degrees above the normal of 54.5. With that said, we are starting out the...
by 505 Outside | Dec 2, 2019 | Blog, Planting Tips
When we think of the word evergreen, many of us think about pine trees, cedars and junipers. However, an evergreen is simply any plant that remains green all year long. These plants are welcome fixtures in our winter landscapes, too. 505Outside highlights these...
by 505 Outside | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog
The Water Authority’s rate structure serves two purposes: 1) To recover the operational costs associated with running a utility (e.g., delivering water to our customers, collecting and treating wastewater, and maintaining our infrastructure to ensure reliable...